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Welcome to my new website!

The digital gods have not been kind to me in recent weeks. Just as I was about to launch this beautiful new site my computer decided it was time to commit suicide. That was just one hurdle of many, but here we are — finally — after months of dreaming and planning and designing. Hurrah! I feel like I should be splashing champagne about, but since we’re virtual this piccie will have to do.

Bouquets, both virtual and real, go to my super talented friend, Keeley, who has made this site a reality, and has graciously navigated all my pesky requests. I hope you enjoy having a look around. You can still browse through a selection of my older blog posts, and to receive new posts please do subscribe in that little bar to your right.

Well that’s it from me for now. Hope to see you here again soon!

2 thoughts on “Welcome to my new website!”

  1. Hi Irma, it looks really lovely. I read a couple of your older blog posts yesterday. I commented on one, but couldn’t find a comment block for the other. They were all from the last few months (I’m pretty sure). Any reason for this.

    1. It’s one of the joys of technology! For some reason the site only included comments on posts after the date we introduced it (before the site went live). So I think it’s only the three most recent posts that have comments. A real pain. I’m going to see if I can get tech support to resolve it.

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