Willy Lit Fest
Sunday 16 June 2024, 10.30 am
Williamstown Town Hall, Melbourne
Irma Gold (The Breaking) and Karen Viggers (Sidelines) are two halves of the podcast Secrets from the Green Room, where they interview writers about their experiences with writing and publishing. In a special festival edition, Irma and Karen will break the fourth wall as Irma interviews Karen about her latest novel, Sidelines, whilst stepping us through the how and why they make a podcast. Tickets here. Visit the festival’s website.
Western Port Writes Literary Festival
6–8 September 2024
Somers, Victoria
Irma will be appearing at the inaugural Western Port Writes Literary Festival, with the theme Celebrating Stories. The festival has a focus on writers and stories with links to the Mornington Peninsula and the Western Port region. Details to come. Visit the festival website.

Invite Irma to be part of your event...
Irma loves any excuse to get on a mic and chat with other writers about her books or theirs. If you’d like Irma to appear at an event or festival, get in touch via the contact page.
And in the meantime, have a listen to her in-conversation event with Craig Silvey where they chat about his days as a ukelele rock star, the Cleo bachelor incident and why biscuit book art is where it’s at. They do also talk about his latest book, Runt.
‘She’s always good in the interviewer’s chair, being both warm in manner and astute about writing.’ Whispering Gums